Production-ready screens & flows
Nov 2020 (2 months)
Jan 2020 (1 month)
nibl project logo
Helping busy people eat healthier
Nibl is a mobile app designed to show you only the healthy options so even the busiest person can make good decisions.
This project was inspired by the early events of COVID-19 and I noticed how it changed the way people obtained food. I saw that people were increasingly ordering food through apps to help them cope with stress and wondered how much of the food they were ordering was actually healthy.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
This screenshot shows an increase in delivery app usage in Q1 of 2020, when stay-at-home mandates were implemented as a result of COVID-19.
initial survey
To begin, I wanted to first find the link between how people felt about healthy food and how it influenced the way they ordered food delivery. In order to do this, I created an online survey using Typeform and targeting health-conscious people to find out how they were currently ordering food from delivery apps.
My takeaway from the survey were as follows:
Most people value healthy eating
Most people said Doordash was their favorite delivery app
Most people think delivery apps discourage healthy eating
Most people find delivery apps to lack healthy options
I was able to come away with my key findings by organizing my survey data into graphs which helped visualize my discoveries.
Most people value healthy eating
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
How important is healthy eating?
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
A comparison between which meals users wanted to eat the healthiest vs when they usually ordered meals for
Despite users' desire to eat healthy for all of their meals, I was unable to figure out why they didn't order at breakfast and most orders were placed at lunch and dinner.
Most people said Doordash was their favorite delivery app
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Which app do you rely on the most to order meals?
Doordash was the leader with 56% of participants using it to order meals.
Most people think delivery apps discourage healthy eating
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Respondents were asked to rate the statement: "It is easy to find something healthy to eat on delivery apps."
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Respondents were asked to rate the statement: "Delivery apps encourage healthy eating."
Most respondents struggled to find healthy food on delivery apps and felt that delivery services were not promoting their users to eat healthy.
Most people find delivery apps to lack healthy options
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Respondents were asked to rate the statement: "There are enough healthy options on delivery apps."
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
What is the main factor when you decide what to order?
Respondents who previously had rated healthy eating as a priority no longer found it to be a priority and instead preferred comfort food when they ordered. Having a lack of healthy options on the app may account for this, but there is not enough evidence to support that conclusion.
Initial takeaways
My survey provided a good direction for further investigation, but the conclusions were more like snapshots that did not tell the whole story. I decide to conduct one-on-one interviews to fill in the gaps so that I can get a better understanding of the thought process behind the survey responses. My goal was to understand what the priorities, opportunities, and pain points were for the users.
User Interviews
The three interviews I conducted with respondents to my survey lasted between 30 minutes and an hour. After these sessions, I was able to extract three key points that I then formulated into quotes that captured the pain points of users.
"As a guilty 5-star reviewer, I question the credibility of app reviews."
"Finding healthy restaurants in my area is time-consuming, so I have difficulty accessing healthy lunches."
"It is hard to recognize which meal is the healthiest on the menu."
As part of my analysis, I created an affinity map that categorizes and groups my findings to identify and make connections between what users want and what they experience.
affinity map
As part of my analysis, I created an affinity map that categorizes and groups my findings to identify and make connections between what users want and what they experience.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
An affinity map was created to understand the needs, behaviors, and motivations of users.
existing user flows
The most important part of this interview was first asking users to describe how they were currently ordering healthy food and then asking them to share their screen and walk me through how they placed an order. This helped me pick up on differences between what they thought they did and what they were actually doing. I was also able to learn through these interviews how much Yelp was relied on by users due to the large number of unreliable app reviews. As a result, I was able to build a more accurate user journey map of their healthy food ordering process.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
User journey map shows how users are currently ordering healthy food
According to the journey map, users are most uncomfortable in three areas:
  1. Users don’t find app reviews to be reliable so they seek it out from another source.
  2. Lack of visibility makes accessing healthy restaurants difficult
  3. Healthy menu items are hard to recognize quickly on delivery apps
competitive analysis
Next, I conducted a competitive analysis of the leading delivery apps and compared how each presented healthy options. The categories currently have no hierarchy within them, so 'Healthy' gets the same amount of attention as other categories. Because of this lack of prioritization, the category 'Healthy' has low visibility and requires more attention to find. Additionally, some apps contain thumbnails, but the color scheme and style are very similar to those around them, which adds cognitive load.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Although each app offers a 'Healthy' category, the visual hierarchy is not clear enough to quickly identify.
design objectives
To address the three pain points, I created three criteria for an effective design:
Empathy Building with Personas
In addition to my own qualitative research, I referenced a study conducted by Zion & Zion to make personas as a quick empathy building exercise. The study identified the majority of the market share are users who are between 18 and 44 years old and live in a metropolitan area are more likely to order delivery than those who make over $100K and are over 45 years old.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
solution strategy
nibl user flow
In order to solve user pain points with solutions that fit the design criteria, I created a new user flow that would simplify the experience and address user pain points.
  1. Use Yelp API to increase user reliability
  2. Increase visibility of healthy restaurants
  3. Make it easy for users to recognize what makes each menu item healthy
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
The proposed Nibl user journey map compared to what users are currently doing to order healthy food.
design exploration
My design process involves exploring as many options as possible early on in order to quickly resolve any issues and establish clarity early on in the development lifecycle. I also find it valuable to create reusable components and styles to ensure visual continuity.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Nibl Figma file screenshot
Final designs
Through the final frames, I addressed the three objectives of reliable, accessible, and recognizable by taking into account the problems users had with trusting rating systems on existing delivery apps, and incorporating Yelp API so users could access reviews without leaving the app. In addition, I created a category that highlights nearby healthy options for busy users to find something to eat quickly. Lastly, adding tags helps users quickly recognize what makes each item healthy.
designer-Developer Handoff
My handoff document includes a prototype of the overall user flow, the sub-flow, specifications, redlines, states, and assets which developers can reference in addition to using the Inspect view in Figma.
Competitive analysis for Noom, Lifesum, and Centr
Nibl Figma file screenshot
I absolutely enjoyed working on every aspect of this project. What started as a course project that was an introduction to UI, I found myself applying what I already knew about the design process from my previous work experience and found myself visiting this project time for the third time to clean up my research and use that to make improvements to the visual design.
During my research, I came across a few concerning statistics about delivery trends that really motivated me to look for solutions that would bridge the gap between eating healthier and ordering delivery. Up until this point, this has been a passion project, but I would like to continue working on this as time permits and try to collaborate with some developers to turn it into a real app.